Do You Know Your Right to Know GMO?
Photo courtesy of March Against Monsanto
WHAT'S UP IN VERMONT? As Starbucks and Vermont's Green Mountain Coffee fight to block a landmark law that requires genetically-modified ingredients to be labeled there's still hope in Ben & Jerry's, the iconic Vermont ice-cream maker that has pledged to transform all of its 50 flavors to non-genetically modified ingredients and Fair Trade certification.
Image matters. the scales are tipping against corporate America. It's no longer OK to be perceived by consumers as non-transparent. A growing number of image-conscious companies, including Burlington,VT-based Lake Champlain Chocolates, are looking to go non-GMO, too. Now, that's sweet...
but Vermont still needs our help. It is fighting for OUR right TO CHOOSE what we put in our bodies. So if you want to eat GMO, then go ahead, it's your right, but if you don't want to eat it, then that should be your right, too. What better way to support OUR rights, then to label the food we eat so we ALL CAN CHOOSE. Sounds pretty democratic, and reasonable, right? but big corporations don't agree and they've got the big guns out and guess where they are aiming them? Directly at our right to know what is in the food we pay for.
Vermont is a tiny state that has joined other states in paving the way for non-GMO legislation to become the norm. What can WE do about it? At the very least, we can all acknowledge this debate and then ask ourselves is this an important right to fight for...and guess what, you can choose to answer that question however you like. The point is, we should all research the debate and find out where we stand.
In the history of America little states have been known to fight HUGE adversaries who don't want to listen to the people. Americans are predisposed to sticking up for their rights. It is a democracy, after all, so let's keep it that way.
Let's not allow Corporate America to stand in for living, breathing, loving, eating REAL and really AWESOME Americans. If you care about what you eat and what you feed your family and what nourishes your community, then take some time to follow this dialogue and protect your right to know GMO. Your rights matter.
Here are some helpful websites. I readily admit that some are alarmist in tone, but don't be put off. They send out a strong, but helpful message and for that, a strong voice is needed to get people to take notice of their rights and how they just might be slipping away from us, right before our very eyes.
- "fighting for people over profits"
- "campaigning for Health, Justice, Sustainability, Peace and Democracy"
- GMOFreePeople on Facebook
- A statewide network of advocates declaring our fundamental right to know if our food contains ingredients derived from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).