It's not often I find myself at a loss for words...but right now THANK YOU are the two right words for this moment, the last day of the farmers market. My son and I moved to Old Lyme in June and we got juicin'! We set up a juice stand and haven't stopped since. It's been a wonderful way to get to know a community through its farmers and makers and the people who support them. Allott and our dear friend Vicky and I have LOVED, LOVED, LOVED getting to know so many of you over the past four months and we can't wait to see more of you. So please stay tuned for future plans: The Lyme Juice Company will pop up again and hopefully we'll pop up just when you need a burst of something delicious, nutritious and made with LOVE. To all of you who have stopped by the stand and supported us in our first weeks and months here, thank you. Thank you for welcoming us here and for enjoying a healthy break with us. Thank you, Lyme Farmer's Market, for being a beautiful stomping ground. Allott and I have loved being in the field with all of you. xx