Squash ROCKS. Squash is delightful and so easy to prepare. Cut it in half and lay it face down on a baking tray lined with parchment paper coated with organic coconut oil. Bake on low [250* F] and forget about it for a while as you get some chores done around the house. When it's cooked through scoop out the seeds and then scrape out the delicious insides. Add it to soups, curries or just eat it on its own. YUM.
Squash does not have to be cooked immediately - it can be stored for up to three months without losing its nutritional value. It is fat free, saturated fat free, sodium free, and cholesterol free, but the really good news is that it is an excellent source of Vitamin A and a good source of Vitamin C. Talk about The A Team!!!
These two vitamins - A and C - when joined together are ready to kick ass when it comes to protecting our cells. Vitamin A keeps skin and mucous membrane cells healthy and that means they are more resistant to fighting off cancers and diseases caused by viruses. Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine when fighting colds and allergies; aids in collagen production; has anti-oxidant properties that fight against cancer and protects cells from damage and mutation; and best of all, it helps to keep our eyes and hearts healthier so we can see and feel the beauty that is all around us. WOWZA! We all Gotta’ Delicata!!!